v2.2 [Jan 21, 2019]
Fixed video analysis for new smaller logo at Tele 5
Incorrect PTS values in teletext of Yle no longer flood the log
Adjustment for changed Teletext for Tele5, Sat1, Pro7, Kabel1
v1.2 [Mar 6, 2012]
- Hotfix for splitted files named data0001.ts, data0002.ts
- Default value for AC3 scans advertising recognition doubled
- Error message after cancelling the AC3-advertising detection fixed
- Workaround for jumps to the next Iframe, where some Iframes were ignored
- Prevents the overlapping section when start and end on the buttons next to the designation number be changed
- More elegant solution for editing the start and end times of a section range without additional window
- New command line parameter AUTOBATCH automatically starts the internal Batchliste
- New command line parameter: AUTODEMUX
- Added support for the LAVFilters (audio, video)
- ComSkip-advertising detection can be canceled
- File name appears in the header of the cutting window
- Cursor keys left and right can be used now in the cutting form to do frame jumps forward and backward
- Edit of the start and the end times of a cutting area in a separate edit window
- In the selection of the cutting area, just one click with the left mouse button is enough to jump to the beginning or the end of the cutting area
- Design improved in the cutting form
- Some default values adjusted
- Reset button for all settings
- Alternative calculation of video PTS to PCR ratio, if PCR is not on the video stream PID
- Completely offset PCR values are now detected and can be adjusted if wanted (Astra.HD.H264.1080i.Astra.1D.23.5E.10jul.2007.ts)
- Improved sorting of split recordings
- Loading of splitted recordings a part was ignored if file name ended with a Zero (for example: 00000.ts)
- Fixed problem of patching PTS values (delay to PCR)
- Teletext is retained after the cut even if the PTS value of Teletext is outside the tolerance limit
- AC3-advertising detection can be canceled
- Teletext PTS is now automatically fixed for incorrect PTS time base without an error message (ARD HD/ZDF HD - problem)
- Support for the PowerDVD 11 - audio decoder removed, because this filter will no longer allow connection to other filters
- Problematic TS files that were generated with XMediaRecode can now be opened despite "PCR discontinuity > 1000ms"
- Instead of a confusing simple error list, a list of problem areas appears now after the repair
- Support for M2TS export in TS Remuxer
- Packet filters of the cutting engine revised for improved accuracy
- Fixed/minimized artifact problems at cut area for HDTV recordings
- Fixed bug when writing packets in the Packet Editor
- Probleme fixed with IFrame detection for interlaced sources
- Improved creation of the cut images when using CoreAVC- or Mainconcept h264 filter
- Fixed bug when cutting between markers, was introduced in the last version
- Cut keys are now updated when the markers are visually moved
- Cut across several cut areas
- Joining together across several cut areas
- Adjusted entries for the timeline popup menu in the cutting form
- Fixed problems opening of m2ts (192) files
- Support for the CyberLink demuxer removed, because it's incompatible to the I-Frame detection filter
- In the cutting form the key "x" can be used now to set a marker
- In the cutting form the key "Del" can be used now to delete the area between the markers
- In the cutting form the key "Ins" can be used now to add/join the area between the markers
- In the cutting form the button "i" can be used to jump one I-Frame forward and shift & "i" to jump backward
- In the cutting form the button "f" can be used to jump one frame forward and shift & "f" to jump backward
- In the cutting form the button "s" can be used to jump one second forward and shift & "s" to jump backward
- In the cutting form the button "m" can be used to jump one minute forward and shift & "m" to jump backward
- Possibility to use a marker to divide an area into two areas
- Markers are now rounded to the frame interval time
- Check added for "PCR discontinuity" in log
- Improved detection of first I-Frame in MPEG2
- I-Frame detection for MPEG2 with CyberLink PowerDVD 11 filters now working
- I-Frame navigation completed
- I-Frame detection for BBC HD fixed (slice_type > 4)
- Correct cut now also possible for BBC HD - recording
- Fallback function if the first I-Frame isn't found
- Acceptable delay between video and other streams increased to 10 seconds
It enables you to record MSN video, Yahoo video, ICQ video and Skype video.